Light at the End of the Tunnel

I can see the light at the end of the editing tunnel! Each night for the past two weeks I’ve come home, logged into my laptop and delved into Bayou Cove. Even though several things changed during the first round of the editing process, I know the town and my characters much better. It’s a great experience. I pray for all aspiring writers to have an exciting first round of edits.

Don’t be fooled; writing is a lot of work. I haven’t sold one book yet, but I’ve put in countless hours on this manuscript. From writing the initial words on notebook paper while watching Super Bowl XLV, to earnestly writing it in 2014 and taking it to Fiction Forge at the Springdale Public Library, to pitching it last year at the Ozark Creative Writer’s Conference, to this month’s round of editing, an author puts a ton of time into their manuscripts. Still to come are more rounds of editing, cover design, getting beta readers, setting a launch date, and promoting the heck out of the book. Then, I get to do it all again for next book. Thank you so much for following my journey to become an author. I truly appreciate it.

The next two Friday’s I’ll be on the road with my girlfriend. I will try to continue my blog during the trip. Writing these few words are fun for me. I enjoy it tremendously. Who knows, I may even turn the blog into a “Fun Facts About…” wherever I am at the time. After all, history doesn’t write itself.

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What I’m Reading – Many readers I know like to inquire what their favorite author is reading. At the end of each blog post, I’ll let you know what book I have my nose in. I may not be a published author yet, but I hope my choice of reading material inspires you to read. I read two fantasy books by Jessica Feinberg, Birthstone Dragons and Fairies of the Forest. My reviews are on I’m currently reading Washed in the Water by Nancy Hartney.  I encourage you to read a variety of topics.


Editing Continues

Editing continues on my manuscript. This is my first book, so there may be better ways to edit the manuscript. I’m a detailed orientated type of guy. Because of that, I decide to print the marked-up manuscript and do the edits in three rounds. Round one I highlighted all the grammar and punctuation errors. Then I went into the actual file and fixed them. Round two contained three rounds. Round two A I highlighted all the swear words throughout the manuscript. Round two B I marked out the ones I didn’t need. Round three B I went into the actual file and removed them. I removed nearly 1200 swear words, getting it down to 297. I haven’t read through the story to see how it changes, but I’m sure it has a different tone now. Round three, which I started this afternoon, is changing scenes, dialogue, and chapters to make it a better book. I have 59 of these changes to do, and I’ve completed sixteen of them so far. It’s a lot of work to edit your manuscript for your publisher.

I still hope to complete the edits before the end of the month. I’ll be a busy bee for sure these next two weeks. I believe there may be better ways to do these edits, but this system is working for me. However, I’m open to suggestions. Drop me a line and let me know how you edit your manuscript. I’d appreciate it.

Finally, a shout out to my Dad this Father’s Day weekend. He’s the greatest and does a lot for me. We hunted, we built things together, went to sporting events together and truly love each other. Have an awesome and blessed Father’s Day, Dad!!

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What I’m Reading – Many readers I know like to inquire what their favorite author is reading. At the end of each blog post, I’ll let you know what book I have my nose in. I may not be a published author yet, but I hope my choice of reading material inspires you to read. Next up is the summer edition of Big Cats Chronicles, the magazine from Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. I’ll get back to reading books next time.  I encourage you to read a variety of topics.

A Busy Little Bee

I’ve been a busy little worker bee since my last post. I’m still editing my manuscript. Last weekend when I was ready to blog, the heavy rains obscured my satellite Internet connection. I put a lot of hours into editing the manuscript. I want to send the edited manuscript back to my editor by the end of the month. A lot of work between now and then.

The work is getting pushed back to next week as this weekend, starting tomorrow morning, I’m off to Branson, Missouri for my family’s annual reunion. My cousins and I have a blast at our reunions. They are incredibly fun. We have a volleyball tournament. We play cornhole. We joke, laugh, and enjoy each other’s company. I hope your family reunions are as exciting as mine. But if not, sit down with your favorite word processor and type up the family reunion you want to go to. History doesn’t write itself, after all.

Lastly, go see what history does write. Instead of going to the beach again this summer, visit a historic site. Learn something new. As I posted earlier in March when I visited the Pea Ridge Battlefield Park, a story is already there. The plot and characters are all laid out. Take the historic event, move it in time 400 years and change the outcome. You’ll be surprised how much you can have with history.

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What I’m Reading – Many readers I know like to inquire what their favorite author is reading. At the end of each blog post, I’ll let you know what book I have my nose in. I may not be a published author yet, but I hope my choice of reading material inspires you to read. I finished Amy Stewart’s Girl Waits with Gun as well as Matthew Kelly’s Resisting Happiness. My reviews for both books are on Next up are three magazines, one of which I read today. I’ll get back to reading books next time.  I encourage you to read a variety of topics.