An Unexpected Freelancer

On Tuesday, March 3, I received an email from my then publisher, Oghma Creative Media. It was short and said the company was reorganizing and the board decided to terminate my contract. And just like that, I was no longer employed as a contracted writer.

Needless to say, this was not happy news to me. I have more stories to tell and enjoy spending time with my characters. They are really fun people. However, I’m no longer under a company’s deadline or rules, which is freeing in its own right. I already have 17,000 words in a companion novel to Bill’s Cajun House of Pleasure. When I finish the story, I’ll have to see who I can get to publish it.

I still my medieval fantasy story, and the others in that world, to find a home for. I want to stay in this world for several stories. The completed manuscript touches on a lot of fun historical events in this world and they need to be explored. The next story I write in this world will along the lines of the #MeToo movement if it took place in Renaissance Italy. How different the artwork from that time period could have been if the models refused to pose nude?

There’s lots for me to look forward to, instead of wallowing in the past. I’ll share my stories with you any way I can. Hope you’ll stick with me and check in on me from time to time if I’m away from here for an extended period of time.  Got fantastic stories to tell and I’ll be busy typing them to share with you!