Changing the Star Trek History

Have you seen the new Star Trek series Discovery? The premiere aired on Sunday, September 24 on CBS. The rest of the episodes will air on CBS All Access. Did you see how sleek and upscale the USS Shenzhou looked? But Star Trek history, it shouldn’t have been. The series takes place a decade before Captain Kirk takes the USS Enterprise on its five-year mission, also known as The Original Series. Do you remember the Enterprise bridge? It had buttons and switches and a few, small round screens all over it. How come the Enterprise didn’t have a sleek and upscale bridge like the Shenzhou, with its touch screens and schematics always visible in a gentle blue light? In my opinion, the Shenzhou is too modern of a ship to be built before the Enterprise in the Star Trek timeline.

Even the Klingons received a makeover in Discovery. They have sharp teeth and larger craniums and darker skin. However, in The Original Series, the Klingons were fashionably dressed with mustaches. Even when the characters from Deep Space Nine went back in time to help Kirk and company with a Tribble trouble, they didn’t recognize the debonair Klingons. The difference in appearance is never fully addressed. But, in the Star Trek universe, the early Klingons are well established to look like humans. Now in Discovery, they look like Klingons from the movies on steroids. How is their appearance going to change in ten years to be what they were, and in such a way that nobody questions the fact? I don’t think it can.

History doesn’t write itself, even if it is a fictitious history, it still needs to be followed. I don’t believe Star Trek Discovery does that. It may end up being a good series, but since it is available only via online and my satellite Internet isn’t the best for streaming video, I won’t be able to make that determination. As Spoke said, “Live long and prosper.”

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What I’m Reading – Many readers I know like to inquire what their favorite author is reading. At the end of each blog post, I’ll let you know what book I have my nose in. I may not be a published author yet, but I hope my choice of reading material inspires you to read. I finished reading If the Creek Don’t Rise by Nancy Hartney. I also read two hilarious short stories by Linda Sartin, Six Bulls, Seve Dogs and a Naked Man. Currently, I’m reading Clear the Decks, the quarterly newsletter from 52 Plus Joker playing card collectors club. I’ll get back to reading books next time. I encourage you to read a variety of topics.

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