Wheel of Emotions

Can you be happy and sad at the same time? Can you have fear and be surprised at the same time? Can you have all four in one day? In one hour? Good writers can make their readers feel these emotions for their characters. But what happens when the author feels them for real-life events?

Today is Mother’s Day in the United States. A glorious day to celebrate your mother and everything she has done for you. You want the day to be happy and joyful. Sadly, it didn’t last long for me. Around 6:30 this morning, I found out one of my nephews died. It wasn’t a total shock as just last week he was his normal self. We knew his health was failing but didn’t expect the end to come this morning.

So how do you be happy for your mother and sisters with this type of news? All four and a half of my sisters are mothers and I want them to enjoy this day. I’m afraid it’s not going to be the happy day everyone else has. Additionally, two of my nieces are mothers, and one of them is celebrating a birthday today. So I have this joy and desire for happiness for all them. On the other hand, I have this grief and sorrow for my nephew and my sister. Really makes for a tough day.

Wheel of Emotions

I know many people who have already lost their mother. A few of them are experiencing their first Mother’s Day without their mother. I sympathize with them. Some never knew their mother at all and have an adopted mother they cherish. What is this day like for them? It is hard to lose a family member, harder when it falls near, or on, a holiday. How many mothers have said their final goodbyes to their children on Mother’s Day? How many children have said their final goodbyes to their mother on Mother’s Day? With the death rate what it is, I’m confident there are numerous people who can answer in the affirmative to both questions.

Mixed in with all this is my excitement and joy for next Sunday. At the 1886 Crescent Hotel and Spa in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, the Carroll and Madison County Public Library Foundation will host the 13th Annual Books in Bloom. I’ve attended this event before in the past and truly enjoyed. I’ve meet national and local authors, listened to their talks, and have had books signed. This year I’m attending as an author. I’ll be a guest at the Village Writing School tent. I’m not on the official roster of authors, but still, I’ll be there with Bill’s Cajun House of Pleasure ready to meet and greet you. Hope to see you there.

So this has been my day. I pray your Mother’s Day is a blessed and awesome event!