Thanksgiving Review

Last week for the long Thanksgiving Day weekend, I headed east to my cousins in middle Tennessee for a wonderful. My parents joined me on the drive. We took a slight detour to Tomato, Arkansas. Google Maps shows only three buildings in the tiny community on the banks of the Mississippi River in northeast Arkansas. I know it is a tiny hamlet of farmers, but it would be nice if the road department in Mississippi County could repave Arkansas 120. As well as offer better signage when Arkansas 120 reaches its dead end. At that T junction, you can go north or south onto Mississippi county roads. Neither road is marked and compared to Washington county dirt roads, Mississippi County Road 903 is a glorified driveway. Not to be deterred, we ventured down the muddy road and arrived at the outskirts of Tomato. A very large muddle puddle prevented us from actually reaching the town. I know only a handful of people live on the eastern side of the levee, but it would be nice to better roads out there.

Supper Friday night was at the Caney Fork restaurant in Nashville, across the street from the Opryland Hotel. We ate there once before and enjoyed the fried gator chunks. After supper, we toured Jellystone RV park. I don’t know who much work went into it, but they strung millions of Christmas lights all over the empty RV park. Then they set the lights to music, and it was a grand show. At the end of the drive, you could park and take in a campfire and S’mores, visit Santa and other activities. We bypassed that and headed home to my cousins. It was about 11:30 by the time we returned. It was a long day, and I probably wouldn’t have made any sense had I blogged at that late hour.

We returned Sunday. Since then, I’ve worked on my new story, up to chapter three now, and had it critiqued by my original group, Fiction Forge at the Springdale Public Library. Plan on writing more this upcoming week. After all, history doesn’t write itself.

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What I’m Reading – Many readers I know like to inquire what their favorite author is reading. At the end of each blog post, I’ll let you know what I’m reading. I may not be a published author yet, but I hope my choice of reading material inspires you to read. I started reading  Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body by St. Pope John Paul II. I’ll be reading this probably for the next two months. I’ve previous read Theology of the Body Explained by Christopher West, but now I get to experience the actual words of the great Pope. I encourage you to read a variety of topics.

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